Contemporary Queer Photography – THE EYES #11 was published in 2020 and is curated collection that introduces 52 contemporary photographers. It is an exploration of contemporary queer photography, highlighting its critical role in representing and reshaping perceptions of LGBTQI identities. This edition focuses on a diverse array of photographic works that challenge traditional gender norms and stereotypes, offering fresh perspectives on queer experiences.
- abandon
- addict
- ado
- adolescence
- adolescent
- ados
- adulte
- amour
- androgyne
- androgynie
- automne
- avenir
- berlin
- Bettina Pittaluga
- Blurr
- bogdan d.smith
- bogdandsmith
- bogdan smith
- brouillard
- brume
- bulgarie
- bunker
- Cassis
- Charcot
- Christer Stromohölm
- cigarette
- Claudia Kent
- Composite Portraiture
- Contemporary Queer Photography
- corps
- Criminal Photography
- cyborg
- d.smith
- Daniel Jack Lyons
- derrida
- Donal Talbot
- dorotheesmith
- dorothée smith
- dsmith
- Duchenne de Boulogne
- dépendance
- Electro-Physiologie
- Electro-Physiology
- estonie
- fantomatique
- fantôme
- filles du calvaire
- fillesducalvaire
- finland
- finlande
- Florian Hetz
- fumer
- fumée
- féminin
- galerie les filles du calvaire
- Galton
- gay
- genre
- Gerardo Vizmanos
- ghostly
- ghosts
- Gianfranco Briceño
- gris
- hantologie
- Hao Ngyen
- hauting
- Hermaphrodite
- hiver
- hypnose
- Hysteria
- Hystérie
- Hôpital de la Pitié-Salpêtrière
- indépendance
- island
- jachère
- Jan Klos
- jeune
- jeune adulte
- jeunesse
- Jordan Reznick
- Julianna Huxtable
- Kama La Mackerel
- Kostis Fokas
- landscape
- Laurence Philomène
- Lebovici
- Le Fresnoy
- Lia Clay Miller
- marge
- Maria Clara Macri
- masculin
- Medical Photography
- mer
- mer du nord
- Michael Bailey-Gates
- Mohamad Abdouni
- mélancolie
- neige
- nord
- nordique
- nostalgie
- océan
- Parker Day
- paysage
- paysages
- peau
- Pepeer Levain
- Photographie Criminelle
- Photographie Medicale Medical Photography Charcot Hystérie Hysteria The Pitié-Salpêtrière Hospital Hôpital de la Pitié-Salpêtrière
- Photographie Médicale
- Photographie Queer Contemporaine
- photographie thermique
- Pierre Molinier
- Piton
- portrait
- Portrait Composite
- Preciado
- pudeur
- queer
- regard
- ruine
- ruines
- ruins
- scandinavie
- sea
- sexualité
- smog
- smoke
- solitude
- sommeil
- Soraya Zaman
- soviétique
- spectographie
- Spectre
- spectre productions
- spectrographies
- The Eyes #11
- The Pitié-Salpêtrière Hospital
- thermal imaging
- thermique
- thermogrammes
- trans
- Transgalactic
- transgenre
- transidentité
- transition
- ukraine
- visage
- yevgéni
- young
- youth
- île: îles